Note to Law School Deans/Professors (extra incentive to distribute flyer/encourage entries): An additional $1,000 to the winning student’s law school scholarship fund.

Law Student Writing Contest

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2024 John F. Burton Jr. College of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Law Student Writing Competition.


The scope of permissible topics is broad, i.e., any aspect of workers’ compensation law. Students are encouraged to present:

  • a public policy issue; (for example, “coverage for undocumented workers”);
  • a critique of a leading case or doctrine; (for example, “your state’s criteria for exclusive remedy”); or
  • a comment on a statute or the need for a statutory modification (for example, “criteria for mental-mental injury claims”).


All students currently enrolled in accredited law schools in the United States and all those who recently graduated from them (graduation in 2024).


  • First prize – $3,000 (An additional $1,000 to the winner’s law school scholarship fund). The winner’s article will also be considered for publication in the Workers’ First Watch, The Workers’ Injury Law and Advocacy Group (WILG) magazine, and the ABA Tort and Insurance Practice Section Law Journal. The winner will also be invited (expenses paid) to the Annual College Induction Dinner to be honored during the program.
  • Second prize – $1,500
  • Third prize – $1,000


John F. Burton Jr. College of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Student Writing Competition Rules

  1. Articles must be original from the applicant and limited to one entry. Articles must not presently be under consideration for any other publication or written as part of paid employment.
  2. All articles are to be submitted in the following format:
    • Submitted by email (no author name in body of article, only in a cover letter to (Please reference ‘Writing Competition” in the subject line);
    • All articles are to be submitted by January 31, 2025;
    • Double-spaced, on 8 1/2 Inch by 11 inch paper, 1 inch margins;
    • Entries should be between 10 and 20 pages in length (including the bottom of page footnotes);
    • Citations are to conform to “A Uniform System of Citation” (The Bluebook).
  3. If published by the College, the articles become the property of the College. No submitted article may be published elsewhere until after the announcement of the winners of the competition. Announcements of the winners will be made at least 30 days in advance of the Annual College Induction Dinner, on April 6, 2025.
  4. Include a cover letter with your entry stating your name, mailing address and phone number (both school and permanent), name of school and year of graduation.
  5. Applicant must be currently enrolled in an accredited law school or submit entry within a year of graduation.


The evaluation standards will be organization, quality of research, depth, originality of analysis, clarity of style and readability. The College reserves the right not to award and/or to reject any or all submissions.